Friday, October 30, 2009

Job interview,how to win it?

The interview is agood chance to you to know more about the job and it gives the interviewer the apportunity to know whether you are the right person for the job,so it is very important to get your job.
What you should do before the interview?
1.make sure the job is agood fit;
Find out what you can do,and what you want.
2.learn about the company;
Find out its goals and its position in the industry.
3.practice answer to questions;
Prepare answers to typical interview questions .
4.Learn to listen,think andanswer questions;
By describing the situation,explaining the task,describing the action and the results you achieved. should learn names ;
Call the interviewer by his name
6.learn how to answer illegal questions .
7.prepare your clothes and make sure they are perfectly clean and pressed.
8.Don't wear sloopy jeans,sweatshirts and t-shirts.
9.Don't forget the time and date of your interview.
10.Arriving late makes aworse impression ,so don't keep the interviewer waiting you;
You should arrive at the office 10 minutes before your interview.
11.Sleep well the night before.
12.Call the interviewer and explain the situation if some thing happens and causes you to be delayed.

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