Friday, December 25, 2009

Build Your Online Business with Article Marketing

What isArticle Marketing ?
Article Marketing is an effective way to market your website and to build your brand in your niche. You, as the marketer, will write content that has between two hundred and a thousand words on a particular subject which people will find informative.
WHy Article Marketing is important?
The main purpose is to get traffic to your site;
*The more places your article is published, the more opportunities
people worldwide have to check out your site.
*Your articles are published all over the place, along with your
author information and a link back to you site.
*Having lots of backlinks is key to improving your search
engine results position and driving traffic to your site.
*Article marketing is extremely effective because it's highly targeted.
Truly relevant sites and newsletters will publish
your articles so you're sure to reach an interested audience.
*Article Marketing is free.
*People that like your articles will publish them on their blogs or websites
and this in effect will give your more visitors.
*With so many articles out on the internet, you will surely be approached by many people asking you to review their products and
This means more money for your business.

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