Saturday, February 27, 2010

How To Grow Your Business with LinkedIn?

linkedin is considered #1 On-Line Business and Social Network, so it is very important tool to grow your business.

Here are some topics to start using linkedin as amarketing tool.
1.Your profile should be Marketing-Oriented.
Basic profile : Complete basic profile information including headline, summary,specialties, education, experience, associations, interests, honors& awards, and a headshot.
Websites : Include links to your company website, personal website, blog,Twitter page or other site that promotes you or your business.
Status Updates : Update status updates several times per week to stay top of mindwith your network. Consider including links to blog posts, eventinvitations, videos, webinars, and podcasts in your status update.
2.Customize your URL: customize your URL with your company name Instead of using the default URL as LinkedIn has a very high search ranking on the webYour profile information may be indexed by search engines.
3.You can use the Question and Answer section to ask and answer questions in your area of expertise;Many innovative job seekers and current professional uses LinkedIn to share information; the site also allows individuals to “rank answers”—resulting in “Best Answer” acknowledgments to people who have answered questions.
4.Join groups; Search and join groups comprised of your target market orcenters of influence and participate in the discussions.
5.Use the summary to show you are qualified to do what you want to do.
6.Add an image to your profile.

1 comment:

  1. Web marketing can be a very overwhelming task for a company starting out. The traditional avenues of advertising do not apply to a web business. Therefore, it is necessary for a business owner to "re-invent the wheel" so to speak. LinkedIn has been a valuable tool in getting information out to the web about products.

