Sunday, March 7, 2010

On page SEO"2"

To get the most out of SEO we need to determine what keywords to use when optimizing a website.keywords must describe the content of your site best and are most likely to be used by users to find you.

1.Keywords in title tag
Each page of your site must have atitle.The title should include one or more keywords.

Title tag has "10 - 70" characters"keep it short", has no special characters and it is the first visible element.It contains the first key phrase, which best describes what the page is about, and is what you want to rank for.

The title tag appears in the top of the web page at the title bar of your browser, so the contents of the title tag usually getsdisplayed in most search engines.

Make your target “search term” the first word in the page title.
2.Keywords in description and Meta tag.
The meta description is what shows up under your page title in search engineresults and convinces people to click-through to your site.
search engines sometimes use the content of this tag to provide a mini summary of what the webpage is about.

Google no longer relies upon this tag, but uses it.

YOu should clearly explain the purpose of your web page or your site on the description tag.

You shouldn't include any word in the META tag which isn't included in the body text.

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